Interface ClientDiscoveryOpts

Client options to configure a client via an OIDC well-known endpoint


  • BaseClientOpts
    • ClientDiscoveryOpts


authorizationOpts: Partial<BaseAuthorizationCodeParams>
cache_type?: "memory" | "local_storage" | "session_storage"

Defines where cache data is stored, possible values are: memory, local_storage or session_storage. Default: 'memory'

client_id: string

OAuth2 client identifier of your application.

state_type?: "local_storage" | "session_storage"

Defines where cache data is stored, possible values local_storage or session_storage. In most cases session_storage is sufficient but local_storage is required in cases where your auth flow spread in multiple tabs (e.g., "activation by email link is opened within another tab) Default: 'session_storage'

template_id?: string

The template ID to display in the login/consent flow

ui_locales?: string

Defines the default locales to request for the login/consent ui

wellknown_endpoint: string

URL to the well-known endpoint.